So far on our blog we have posted recipes, mostly because it is something we have in common, and do together. Today we would like to write about "MUSIC". We all love it! Right! Usually it is part of our everyday lives, so we naturally have likes and dislikes, it can even influence us in a positive or negative way. It can change our moods, and it can bring back memories. So my question is does it matter what believers listen to? We think it matters allot! You know the old adage "You are what you eat" well, wouldn't the same be true of what you listen to and see?
I recently had a conversation with a mom who asked, what type of music do I let my kids listen to? Well, I quickly responded, that a standing rule in our home is only Christian music. As we continued our conversation, I realized that, what might have been a good rule years ago, was just no longer good enough! I think we came to the same conclusion, that we may need to look at each song individually even under the label of christian music!
Right about now you may be asking why, what could possibly be so wrong with christian music that we need to do something like this?~ Well, let me explain~ Romans 12:2 says: "Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." So with that being said, allot of the lyrics to some of these christian songs, have become just words, having absolutely nothing to do with being a believer. Some or most, of the music sounds like the worlds music, wicked. In fact you may not be able to tell one apart from the other unless you were told. Lastly, I recently found out that there are two christian music artists that have 'come out' as homosexuals. To say the least I was saddened by this news. But when I realized what an effect music has on our lives, and that our children, teens usually, start to identify with the musicians they listen to, that was when I decided it would be a good idea to write this post. I think as loving parents we should hope to have the kind of relationship with our children, where they value our opinion, and look to us for good council. The way parenting is portrayed in society these days, you would think that there is no hope of this, but Scripture says this about LOVE:
1Cr 13:4 Love suffers long [and] is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
So, Is there a way to qualify a song as O.K. or NOT? Of course! Just ask ourselves whether or not it "GLORIFIES OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, YHVH". I know that seems too simple! But can we really ask ourselves this question enough? Sad, but true we saw the trend of "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO" come and go! BUT walking with our Messiah is not something that is 'here today and gone tomorrow'! It is a decision we make to turn from our sinful nature and the way the world does things, and walk in righteousness after Y'shuas example!
Just the other day, My husband asked me to choose a play, as I started flipping through the C.D case, he stopped me and said , put in Lifehouse (a Christian band). As I was pulling it out of it's sleeve, I said to him, you know, I really don't think this music really has much, if anything in it about walking with our Savior, but I put it in anyway. We listened for about a minute, and he said TAKE IT OUT! Now mind you, we both used to love this band, but now it's just not GOOD enough! This should be a natural reaction, as we grow closer to Y'shua (Jesus), we will find things we once thought were acceptable, are no longer acceptable to our spirit (HIS Spirit in us), and thing will actually become repulsive to us, but that's a good thing! That means that the Holy Spirit is ruling and reigning in our lives and our hearts, and we are separating ourselves farther from what this world has to offer!
I would like to challenge everyone reading this post to pay closer attention to what we listen to, and to even extend it into what we choose to watch and read!
YHVH (GOD ) Bless you!